Equine RED LIGHT therapy

Employing the power of LED diodes using both red light - (in the 660nm wavelength), and near-infrared (in 850nm wavelength), our portable horse red light therapy wraps penetrate deep through the skin and into the muscles to provide pain relief and rejuvenation.

Clinical strength red light in 660nm waves reach deep layers of the skin, to stimulate cellular repair and increase circulation. Near infrared light deeply penetrates and causes thermal effects to promote blood circulation, enhance metabolism, and improve cell viability and regenerative capacity. The healing of scars, wounds, cuts, and cellular damage is vastly accelerated.

Red light and near infrared light therapy do not mask the symptoms of pain, but rather encourages the healing of the actual cause of the pain- in many cases after a course of regular treatment with infrared light, the pain is gone for good.

For more information on our Horse Red Light Therapy pads and to place an order, please click on SHOP.

If you would like to read a free ebook titled Light Medicine, by Jessica Charles. The book is about Red Light and Near Infrared Light Medicine and how it works. Here is a link to where you can download the book:

Light Medicine